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Douglas B. Fresh

I was born in 1969. I spent the 70s riding my bike around my suburban neighborhood, getting into trouble, hanging with the kids, eating junk food, and watching TV and Little League baseball. In the 80s I exploded out of the suburbs into Seattle’s punk rock scene.

Now I’m in California driving my mini-van around my suburban neighborhood, hanging with my kids, eating a little better, and watching TV and Little League baseball. Oh and I’m still punk rock so I get into a little trouble now and then.

My work reflects over 50 years of America's cultural garbage swirling around in my brain. You will find yourself here if you cannot forget the TV, movies, music, books, comics, food, and other symbols of the 20th century.

Jeff Spicoli

Jeff Spicoli is a student at Ridgemont High. His old man is a television repairman. He’s got the ultimate set of tools.

Jeff is a surfer in the San Fernando Valley. He’s been stoned since the third grade,